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Sprachenzentrum der UZH und der ETH Zürich

Giorgio Iemmolo, Dr.

  • Direktion
044 634 52 80



Italienisch, Deutsch, Französisch, Englisch, Spanisch, Alt-Griechisch, Latein


2008 – 2011 Università di Pavia Ph.D. Linguistik (Summa cum laude)

2011 Forschungsaufenthalt am Max-Planck-Institut für evolutionäre Anthropologie, Leipzig, Deutschland.

2010 Forschungsaufenthalt an der University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA.

2009 Forschungsaufenthalt an der University of Lancaster, UK.

2006 – 2008 Università di Pavia MA Linguistik (Summa cum laude)

2003 – 2006 Università di Pavia BA Klassische Philologie (Summa cum laude)


2022 – jetzt     Mitglied des Stiftungsrats, Eaquals – Excellence in Language Education, London (

2015 – 2024     Director of Academic Management, EF Education First, Zürich

2011 – 2015     Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Institut für vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Zürich, Schweiz


Dr. Giorgio Iemmolo – Vorträge- Schriften- und Veranstaltungsverzeichnis


Verzeichnis der gehaltenen Vorträge (* = auf Einladung)

  1. La marcatura differenziale dell’oggetto in siciliano: un’analisi contrastiva, XXV Congrès International de Linguistique et de Philologie Romanes, Universität Innsbruck, Österreich. 3.-8. September 2007.
  2. Differential object marking and topicality: evidence from Romance and beyond, 1st Transalpine Typology Meeting, Universität Bern, Schweiz. 22.-24. Januar 2009.
  3. Differential object marking and topicality: evidence from Romance, XIX International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Universität Nijmegen, die Niederlande. 10.-15. August 2009.
  4. *Mapping between semantic roles and grammatical relations: the case of DOM in Northern Italian and beyond, Workshop on Semantic Roles, Universität Pavia, Italien. 19.-20. Mai 2010.
  5. Affectedness and Differential Object Marking: a critical reappraisal, 9th High Desert Linguistics Society Conference, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA. 4.-6. November 2010.
  6. Towards a typological study of Differential Object Marking, Association for Linguistic Typology 9th Biennal Conference (ALT9), Universität Hong Kong, China. 21.-24. Juli 2011.
  7. *On the typology of differential object marking and differential object indexation: a case study on the syntax-information structure interface, Department of Linguistics, Max Planck Institut für Evolutionäre Anthropologie, Leipzig, Deutschland. 10. Oktober 2011.
  8. Are dislocated direct object clause-external? Evidence from Differential object marking systems, Berkeley Linguistics Society 38th Annual Meeting (BLS38), University of California at Berkeley, USA. 11.-12. Februar 2012.
  9. *Patterns of alignment in verb agreement, (mit Balthasar Bickel and Alena Witzlack-Makarevich), Anna Siewierska Memorial Workshop, Max Planck Institut für Evolutionäre Anthropologie, Leipzig, Deutschland. 27. April 2012.
  10. Differential object marking in Mandarin Chinese and referent identifiability (mit Giorgio Arcodia), The Second International Symposium on Chinese Language and Discourse, Nanyang Technologische Universität, Singapore. 9-11. Juni 2012.
  11. On the polysemy of object markers and topic markers: a study in diachronic typology, New Reflections on Grammaticalisation Conference (NRG5), Universität Edinburgh, UK. 16.-19. Juli 2012.
  12. Symmetric and asymmetric alternations in direct object encoding, 45th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Universität Stockholm, Schweden. 29. August – 1. September 2012.
  13. *Are there diachronic universals of agreement systems?, (mit Balthasar Bickel, Alena Witzlack- Makarevich, and Taras Zakharko), Agreement from a diachronic perspective, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Deutschland. 4.-6. Oktober 2012.
  14. The same but different: formal discrepancies in determining the alignment of agreement systems, (mit Balthasar Bickel, Alena Witzlack-Makarevich, and Taras Zakharko), Syntax of the World’s Languages V, CAAS Dubrovinik, Kroatien. 1.-4. Oktober 2012.
  15. *Dislocazioni con e senza clitico in siciliano antico, (Dislocations with and without clitic in Old Sicilian), Workshop I clitici nell’italiano antico, Universität Pavia, Italien. 23. November 2012.
  16. *Subject-verb non-agreement in Romance and beyond, Linguistisches Kolloquium, Universität Konstanz, Deutschland. 06. Dezember 2012.
  17. *Subject-verb non-agreement in Romance: a diachronic perspective, Linguistics Seminar Series, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. 16. Januar 2013.
  18. *Italian and the dialects of Italy: between typology and diachrony, the Department of Romance languages, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. 17. Januar 2013.
  19. Differential Object Marking and Differential Object Indexation: cross-linguistic and language specific perspectives, (mit Robert Schikowski), Conference on Differential Object Marking, Universität Tromso, Norwegen. 23.-24. Mai 2013.
  20. Are there diachronic universals of agreement systems? (mit Balthasar Bickel, Alena Witzlack- Makarevich, and Taras Zakharko), 21st International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL21), Universität Oslo, Norwegen. 5.-19. August 2013.
  21. A rare case of Differential Marking on S/A: the case of Coptic, (mit Eitan Grossman), Association for Linguistic Typology 10th Biennial Conference (ALT 10), Universität Leipzig, Deutschland. 15.-18.August 2013.
  22. When is there agreement? Typologizing restrictions on agreement, (mit Alena Witzlack- Makarevich), Association for Linguistic Typology 10th Biennial Conference (ALT 10), Universität Leipzig, Deutschland. 15.-18. August 2013.
  23. More on the origin of direct object markers in Sinitic (with Giorgio Francesco Arcodia), 8th Conference of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics (EACL-8), CNRS-INALCO, Paris, France. 26.-28. September 2013.
  24. *Commonalities and peculiarities of Differential Object Marking (DOM) in Romance from a typological perspective, Department of Linguistics, Research group Functional and cognitive linguistics: English, Spanish, and Typology, Universität Leuven, Belgien. 29. November 2013.
  25. *Subject agreement suspension in main and relative clauses: is it really a unified phenomenon?, Case and agreement between grammar and information structure, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. 13. Januar 2014.
  26. *From topic marker to object marker: what polysemy can tell us about the diachrony of differential case marking, The Diachronic Typology of Differential Argument Marking, Universität Konstanz, Deutschland. 5.-6. April 2014.
  27. Subject agreement suspension and information structure: a view from Dogon languages, (mit. S. Moran) 8th Days of Swiss Linguistics. Universität Zürich, Schweiz. 19.-21. Juni 2014.
  28. *On the typology of differential object marking and differential object indexation: synchrony and diachrony. Journée d’étude sur le marquage différentiel de l’objet. INALCO, Paris, Frankreich. 19. Juni 2014.
  29. * Differential Object Marking (DOM) in Romance from a typological perspective. Cologne Center of Language Sciences. Universität Köln, Deutschland. 03. Dezember 2014.


Aufsätze (*=veröffentlicht nach Review-Verfahren)

*Iemmolo, Giorgio (2009). La marcatura differenziale dell’oggetto in siciliano antico. In Archivio Glottologico Italiano, Vol. 94, No. 2, pp. 185-225.

*Iemmolo, Giorgio (2010a). La marcatura differenziale dell’oggetto in siciliano: un’analisi contrastiva. In Iliescu, Maria et al. (Hrsg.) Actes du XXV Congrès International de Linguistique et de Philologie Romanes, Vol. II, section V. Berlin-New York: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 341-350

*Iemmolo, Giorgio (2010b). Topicality and differential object marking: evidence from Romance and beyond. In Studies in Language, Vol. 34, No 2, pp. 239-272.

*Bickel, Balthasar, Giorgio Iemmolo, Alena Witzlack-Makarevich und Taras Zakharko (2013). Patterns of alignment in verb agreement. In Bakker, Dik und Martin Haspelmath (Hrsg.) Language across Boundaries: Studies in memory of Anna Siewierska, 15-36. Berlin-New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

*Iemmolo, Giorgio (2013). Symmetric and asymmetric alternations in direct object encoding. In STUF Language Typology and Universals, Vol. 66, No 3, pp. 378-403.

*Iemmolo, Giorgio (2014). Are dislocated direct objects clause-external? Evidence from differential object marking systems. In Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. UC Berkeley: Department of Linguistics, pp. 190-205

*Iemmolo Giorgio und Gerson Klumpp (2014). Introduction. In Linguistics. Special issue on Differential Object Marking: theoretical and empirical issues, Vol. 52, No 2, pp. 271-279.

*Iemmolo Giorgio und Giorgio Francesco Arcodia (2014). Differential object marking and identifiability of the referent: a study of Chinese. In Linguistics, 52, 2, pp. 315-334.

*Iemmolo Giorgio und Giorgio Francesco Arcodia (2014). Marcatura differenziale dell’oggetto e identificabilità dei referenti in cinese moderno. In Bulfoni, Clara und Silvia Pozzi (Hrsg.) Atti del XIII convegno dell’Associazione Italiana di Studi Cinesi. Milan: Franco Angeli, pp. 15-27.

*Bickel, Balthasar, Alena Witzlack-Makarevich, Taras Zakharko und Giorgio Iemmolo (2015). Exploring diachronic universals: zero marking and alignment patterns in agreement. In Rieken, Elisabeth, Paul Widmer und Jürg Fleischer (Hrsg.) Agreement from a diachronic perspective. Berlin-New York: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 29-51.


AUTOTYP dataset of agreement marking (mit Alena Witzlack-Makarevich, Kevin Batscher, Lennart Bierkandt, Taras Zakharko und Balthasar Bickel). Universität Zürich.


Iemmolo Giorgio (2010a) Rezension von Stolz, Thomas, Sonja Kettler, Cornelia Stroh und Aina Urdze (Hrsg.), Split possession: an areal-linguistic study of the alienability correlation and related phenomena in the languages of Europe. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2008. E-Language.

Iemmolo Giorgio (2010b) Rezension von Fernández, Zarina Estrada, Soeren Wichmann, Claudine Chamoreau und Albert Álvarez González (Hrsg.), Studies in voice and transitivity (Estudios de voz y transitividad). München and Newcastle: Lincom Europa, 2008. E-language.

Iemmolo Giorgio (2010c) Rezension von Dimmendaal, Gerrit (Hg.), Coding participant marking. Construction types in twelve African languages. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2009. Linguist List, issue 21.2959.

Iemmolo Giorgio (2010d) Rezension von Yoon, Jiyoung, Small clauses in Spanish: the semantics of transitivity. München - Newcastle: Lincom Europa, 2007. E-Language.


Wintersemester 2007/2008 Einführung in die Sprachwissenschaft (Italienisch). Universität Pavia, Italien

Sommersemester 2008 Einführung in die Sprachwissenschaft (Italienisch). Universität Pavia, Italien

Wintersemester 2008/2009 Einführung in die Sprachwissenschaft (Italienisch). Universität Pavia, Italien

Wintersemester 2008/2009 Einführung in die Sprachtypologie. IUSS (Institute for Advanced Studies), Pavia, Italien.

Wintersemester 2009/2010 Einführung in die Sprachwissenschaft (Italienisch). Universität Pavia, Italien

Frühlingssemester 2012 Language change and grammaticalization. Universität Zürich. Schweiz.

Frühlingssemester 2013 Formal and functional approaches to grammar. Universität Zürich. Schweiz.

Herbstsemester 2013 Historical Syntax. Universität Zürich. Schweiz.

Frühlingssemester 2014 Syntax. Universität Zürich. Schweiz Herbstsemester

2014 Historical Syntax. Universität Zürich. Schweiz