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Sprachenzentrum der UZH und der ETH Zürich

Katie Schwendimann

Katie Schwendimann, Dr.


Born in California, Katie grew up speaking English and learned French at school. She spent many years travelling, studying, and teaching English before moving to Switzerland with her family in 2013. 


Languages: English native speaker, advanced knowledge of French (C1) and working knowledge of German (B1)

Curriculum vitae

  • B.A. (2004-2008) in English Literature and French Language from the University of California, Berkeley 
  • Teaching Credential and M.A. in Teaching at St. Mary's College of California (2008-2010) 
  • PhD in TESOL Education and language motivation (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) from the University of Sydney, Australia (2012-2016) 
  • High school English and French Teacher (2009-2011) in California 
  • Exchange Teacher for JET program in Takasaki, Japan (2010-2011) Taught primary and middle school English
  • Teaching Assistant at the University of Sydney, Australia (MA teaching program 2012-2013)
  • Program Manager: Young Swiss Learners (Lausanne 2016-2019) 
  • Language Consultant and English teacher (Fribourg 2019-2022)
  • Private lesson and group lesson English / French teacher (ILS Aarau 2022-2023)
  • Lecturer at UZH and ETH Zurich (2023-present)

Current activities at the Language Center

Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich – English Lecturer

Current interests

Methods for teaching academic writing, self-guided, and online learning. Supporting students with their writing and guiding them through the publication process. 

Personal passions

Teaching English, speaking French, travelling with my family, going for long nature walks, learning new languages, and reading books