UZH Bachelor’s and Master’s students
- You are enrolled at UZH as a Bachelor’s or Master’s student
- You are enrolled in the Didactics Diploma for High Schools (Lehrdiplom für Maturitätsschulen) degree program
- You are an exchange or guest student at UZH
Students with mandatory language proficiency requirements at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
- You are a Bachelor's or Master's student at UZH and according to this Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences list (PDF, 23 KB), you need to take a language course as a compulsory module, compulsory elective module, or other requirement:
You are a Bachelor's or Master's student at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at UZH and are choosing a compulsory language course as part of your study program with mandatory language proficiency requirements.
You are a Bachelor's or Master's student at another UZH faculty and are choosing a compulsory language course as part of your minor study program at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences with mandatory language proficiency requirements.
PhD students
- You are enrolled as a PhD student at UZH
- You are enrolled at an UZH graduate school
CAS/DAS/MAS (Certificate/Diploma/Master of Advanced Studies) students
You are enrolled in an CAS/DAS/MAS (Certificate/Diploma/Master of Advanced Studies) program at UZH
Academic staff
- You are employed at UZH as an academic associate, a postdoc, a lecturer, or a professor
- You are an academic guest at UZH
Administrative-technical staff (ATP)
- You are employed at UZH as an administrative-technical staff member
UZH alumni members
- You are a member of an UZH alumni association
Alumni without membership
- You are not a member of an UZH alumni association, but you studied at UZH
Bachelor’s and Master’s students
- You are enrolled at ETH as a Bachelor’s or Master’s student
- You are enrolled in the Didactics Diploma for High Schools (Lehrdiplom für Maturitätsschulen – LD) degree program
- You are an exchange or guest student at ETH
Doctoral students
- You are enrolled as a doctoral student at ETH
- You are enrolled at an ETH graduate school
CAS/DAS/MAS (Certificate/Diploma/Master of Advanced Studies) students
- You are enrolled in an CAS/DAS/MAS (Certificate/Diploma/Master of Advanced Studies) program at ETH
Academic staff
- You are employed at ETH as an academic associate, a postdoc, a lecturer, or a professor
- You are an intern at ETH
- You are an academic guest at ETH
Administrative-technical staff
- You are employed at ETH as an administrative-technical staff member
ETH alumni members
- You are a member of an ETH alumni association
Alumni without membership
- You are not a member of an ETH alumni association, but you studied at ET
Zurich University of Teacher Education (PHZH)
- You are enrolled as a Bachelor’s or Master’s student at PHZH
- You are an exchange student at PHZH
- You are enrolled as a doctoral student at PHZH
- You are employed as an academic associate at PHZH
- You are an academic guest at PHZH
- You are employed as an administrative-technical staff member at PHZH
Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK)
- You are enrolled as a Bachelor’s or Master’s student at ZHdK
- You are an exchange student at ZHdK
- You are enrolled as a doctoral student at ZHdK
- You are enrolled in a MAS or CAS program at ZHdK
- You are employed as an academic associate, lecturer, mandated instructor, or professor at ZHdK
- You are employed as an administrative-technical staff member at ZHdK
- You are an academic guest at ZHdK
- You are in the “Access for refugees” program at ZHdK