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Title:Sprachtreff Deutsch A2-B1 (Juni-Juli 2024)
Location:Selbstlernzentrum: Rämistrasse 74, UZH RAI-J-21
Time:Do 16:45-17:45
Date:06.06.2024 - 04.07.2024 (wöchentlich / weekly)
ECTS points:0
Number of participants:max. 20
Enrollment closing date:04.07.2024
Fee:CHF 0.00
The meetings and events offered by the Self-Access Center are not language courses. Rather, they are learning activities that are done in groups, where you work independently or with other language learners. Self-Access Center employees who speak your target language provide support and moderate the meetings and events.

Venue: Self-Access Center Rämistrasse

Map: Rämistrasse 74, RAI building
Room: UZH RAI-J-21 (RAI building, floor J, room RAI-J-21)

Target Participants

Students, PhD students, members of staff, and alumni.

Language Requirements

Levels A2-B1


Our language get-togethers are designed to bring together people who are studying the same language. At language get-togethers, you can practice your language skills in an informal setting and make contact with new learning partners. A Self-Access Center employee will suggest appropriate learning activities (for individuals and groups), encourage discussions, answer language questions, and give you feedback as required. Language get-togethers allow you to work on your individual language goals independently and/or with others and get support when you need it.

Content and Approach

Depending on the number, language level, and interests of participants, the content of each language get-together tends to be different: for example, you might discuss or write a text, discuss current affairs or any topics of interest, play a game, or practice your vocabulary and grammar. All of this can be done independently or in small groups.

Learning Materials

The learning materials are provided by the Self-Access Center.


  • Please register in advance using the link below.
  • You may join the group any time. Participation is not binding.
  • If you have any questions regarding this activity, please contact us at

Calendar Self-Access Center Rämistrasse

Our calendar lists all our events and days when we are closed. There, you can import any event you need to your electronic calendar (e.g. Outlook).
This course is already fully booked. If you enroll, you will be put on the waiting list.