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Course Description

Course-ID:1693-IK-DaF A HS24 Pool
Title:Intensive Course German 1: A1.1
Location:You will receive an e-mail from your lecturer at the latest in the week before the start of the course with the room details.
Lecturer:Ursula Bolliger, lic. phil.
Katharina Gemperle, M.A.
Melanie Kutz, M.A.
Olga Martin, M.A.
Ursina Tones, lic. phil.
Time:Mon-Fri 9:15-12:45 und 14:15-15:45
Number of lessons:60
ECTS points:2
Number of participants:max. 140
Enrollment closing date:03.07.2024
Fee:CHF 120.00


The course aims to provide a basic knowledge of German to enable participants to find their way in a German-speaking university environment. We focus on comprehension and speaking skills, but we will also read simple texts and practise writing. Learning strategies will be introduced to promote and support independent learning activities.

Content and approach

  • Situations that will be covered in the course are, for instance, introducing yourself and others, making appointments, having a telephone conversation, going to a restaurant, using public transport, and asking for directions, the time or the price of something.
  • In various role plays you will learn to communicate using simple sentences, questions and everyday expressions.
  • In terms of grammar, sentence structure, conjugation of verbs in the present tense, nouns and articles (singular and plural, nominative and accusative) will be covered.

Assessment, ECTS points, and workload

Successful completion of this course requires your active and committed participation. The course includes several progress checks. 2 ECTS credits are awarded for successful completion of the course.
Enroll here from 01.07.2024 (from 09:00) until 03.07.2024