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Course Description

Title:Academic English C1 (Part 1)
Location:Raumangabe folgt Anfang September 2024
Lecturer:Rupert Taylor, M.A.
Time:Di 08.15-09.45 und Do 12.15-13.45
ECTS points:3
Number of participants:max. 20
Enrollment closing date:20.09.2024
Fee:CHF 0.00
Important note: This course tends to have a long waiting list. If you think you will be unable to attend at least two-thirds of all lessons or are unsure about your current workload, please consider leaving space available to another student. Thank you.

Target participants

UZH Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (PhF) students who are enrolled in a program of study that requires them to take core elective modules in a modern language.

Entry requirements/Level of course

Participants should already have reached a level of B2-C1, as defined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Please assess your level using the diagnostic tools on our website. Please note that this course is not open to English native speakers.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course, students are able to:
  • Read academic texts and listen to audio input relevant to their field of study while maintaining critical awareness
  • Write in an academic style with accurate reporting of sources
  • Select the most natural English grammar to express their ideas
  • Avoid common English academic writing errors that are typical at advanced level
  • Express complex ideas from their fields as simply and clearly as possible
  • Provide constructive peer feedback on academic writing

Content and approach

This course focuses on reading and writing texts in English relevant to the students’ individual academic interests. Students are encouraged and empowered to take an objective and critical view of texts and to express this in a clear and competent way. Within the broad field of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, students can select the texts and themes that they work on. Students take part in peer feedback and receive detailed individual feedback from the lecturer. The course also provides detailed input on relevant academic vocabulary, grammar, and discourse.

Assessment, ECTS points, and workload

3 ECTS points are awarded for successful completion of the course. Successful completion requires active and continuous participation. Participants should be able to dedicate around 3 hours a week to independent study and revision.

The course is assessed on the basis of:
  • A written response to a non-fiction, study-field-relevant book of the student’s choice (35% of final grade)
  • A collaboratively-written response to a YouTube channel or podcast series of the students’ choice (10% of final grade)
  • A vocabulary list based on current linguistic best practice and online sources, including AI (10% of final grade)
  • Participation in three key classroom activities (15% of final grade)
  • An end-of-semester test focusing on the ideas and language covered during the semester (30% of final grade)


Course materials are provided online (Moodle).

AI policy

For more information about the Language Center’s policy regarding digital literacy (AI, LLMs) click here.
Enroll here from 09.09.2024 (from 09:00) until 20.09.2024