In this book you can find more than 5,000 phrasal verbs and related noun and adjective forms in use in English. The focus is on those phrasal verbs that you need to know for everyday spoken and written communication in English.
The book has 70 two-page units. The left-hand page explains the phrasal verbs that are presented in the unit. On the right-hand page, there are a series of exercises for you to learn how to use the phrasal verbs accurately and appropriately.
It would be good to do Units 1-5 first, as they give important information on what phrasal verbs are, how their grammar works, etc.
The book also has a key to all exercises so that you can check your answers. At the back of the book you will also find a Mini dictionary, which provides clear definitions of all the phrasal verbs and related noun and adjective forms that appear in this book.
SLZ EnU 11